Friday, December 2, 2011

FRIDAY 12.2.11
PSSA Math 11: Correcting 4-Sight Practice Test

Precalculus: Section 4.5: Graphing Cosecant and Secant
HW: Finish worksheet

Prac. Alg. 1: Review/Quiz
HW: None

Thursday, December 1, 2011

THURSDAY 12.1.11
PSSA Math 11: Correcting 4-Sight Practice Test

Precalculus: Section 4.5 part 1: Graphing Tangent and Cotangent
HW: Finish worksheet

Prac. Alg. 1: Systems of Inequalities
HW: Finish worksheet

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WEDNESDAY 11.30.11
PSSA Math 11: 4-Sight Practice Test

Precalculus: Graph Sine and Cosine Functions
HW: Finish problems

Prac. Alg. 1: Graphing linear inequalities
HW: Finish Worksheet
TUESDAY 11.29.11
PSSA Math 11: 4-Sight Practice Test

Precalculus: Section 4.4: Graping Sine and Cosine
HW: pg 358 #s 61-67 odd

Prac. Alg. 1: Solving Absolute Value review
HW: Finish worksheet
MONDAY 11.21.11 - WEDNESDAY 11.23.11
PSSA Math 11: Graphing Parabolas worksheet

Precalculus: Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions
HW: None.

Prac. Alg. 1: Absolute Value Equations/Inequalities
HW: Finish Worksheet