Friday, May 3, 2013

FRIDAY 5.3.13
Precalculus: Limits from a table and graph
HW: Worksheet due 5.8

Prac. Alg. 2:Multiply and Divide rational expressions
HW: Finish worksheet

PSSA Math 8: Field Trip today
HW: None

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Precalculus: CH 9 test
HW: None

Prac. Alg. 2: Divide algebraic fractions
HW: finish worksheet

PSSA Math 8: Study Island
HW: None

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Precalculus: CH 9 Review
HW: Study
* CH 9 Test tomorrow *

Prac. Alg. 2: Multiply rational expressions
HW: Finish worksheet

PSSA Math 8: Study Island
HW: none

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TUESDAY 4.30.13
Precalculus: Mathematical Induction worksheet
HW: Finish worksheet

Prac. Alg. 2: Multiply Algebraic Fractions
HW: finish worksheet

PSSA Math 8: Study Island
HW: None

Monday, April 29, 2013

MONDAY 4.29.13
Precalculus: 9.6: Mathematical Induction
HW: pg 690 #s 1, 3, 13, 15
* CH 9 Test Thursday 5.2 *

Prac. Alg. 2: Simplify Algebraic fractions
HW: Finish worksheet

PSSA Math 8: Study Island
HW: None